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Plan D - Launch Cart Strategist

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It is likely you are looking at this plan for one of two reasons:

  1. You've already claimed your FREE Launch Cart Store and are looking to see what additional support would be available if you wanted it.
  2. You are still deciding what to expect if you try to build your store by yourself and become frustrated by trying to find the time to build your own store and the introduction of your store to the online world,.

The Launch Cart Free Plan is Easy to Use and Simple to Start, but if you need additional Strategies and Tips, this plan is for YOU!  Plan D is NOT a Done-For-You Plan:  The Launch Cart Strategist Plan Provides added Support and Guidance for those Choosing a Free Launch Cart Store

Is the Free Launch Cart Worth the Price?

Well, Free is just that...FREE.  Your only investment is the time you spend building out your Online Store. There is a token 6% fee assessed to products you sell from your store, however, that is paid after your sale is made and you are paid!

Unlike other popular e-commerce platforms, such as Shopify, Big Commerce, Woo Commerce, and Etsy, Launch Cart offers a completely free option, making it the perfect choice for businesses on a budget. Plus, its user-friendly interface and simple setup process make it a breeze to use, even for those with little to no technical experience.

But what truly sets Launch Cart apart are its unique features and benefits. For instance, Launch Cart offers unlimited products, meaning you can add as many items to your store as you like without worrying about hitting a limit. Plus, Launch Cart offers customizable templates, allowing you to create a store that perfectly fits your brand and style.

But perhaps the biggest benefit of using Launch Cart is its ability to integrate with a wide range of popular payment gateways, including PayPal, Stripe, Revere Payments, NMI's Merchant Services, and Opennode. This means you can easily accept payments from customers all over the world, giving you the freedom to grow your business beyond your local market. If you use Bitcoin Crypto Currency, their Opennode payment option has you covered!

So, are you ready to start setting up your own merch store with Launch Cart? With its free option, customizable templates, unlimited products, and seamless payment integration, it's an unbeatable choice for small businesses looking to sell their products online. Don't settle for less – make the switch to Launch Cart today and watch your sales soar!

But if you are hesitant because you don't know where to start; how to identify your target market; how to select and brand your products; how to promote your online store without breaking the bank; OR you need someone to hold you accountable...Our Launch Cart Strategist is designed for you!

The Launch Cart Strategist Plan Includes:

  • 30-Minute get to know you conference (by video or phone)

  • A goals and objectives questionnaire to be completed by you

  • 30-Minute conference to discuss your questionnaire and potential niche

  • Once you've confirmed your niche market we will provide you with a persona of your ideal customer

  • We will provide you appropriate training videos and guidance as you create your online store

  • Together, we will establish a workflow with target dates

  • We will hold you accountable for meeting those target dates

  • Together, we will discuss how to promote your new online store

  • Once you've completed your free store, we will perform a final store audit and recommend any potential adjustments

  • 30 days after your store launch, we will have another conference call with you for an accountability update and to address any concerns you might have

  • Once we've completed the above items, we will request you make a video we can use to let others know about your new online store and your experience working with Dr. Ron Capps and the YourMerchPro Team.  We will then use that video as a foundation for us to use for mutual promotion

We look forward to helping you achieve your dream of having an online store of your own.  We understand and respect your desire to do as much of the work on your own and for a greater reliance on sweat equity rather than investing cash out of pocket.  Just know in advance, you are never alone on this journey.  While we aren't promising you will be able to walk on water when your store is launched, you won't drown and we will do everything within out power to position you for success.  Remember, as our valued friend, we want to extend you a 25% discount for any added services offers and a 35% discount from our regular pricing for any of our "Done-For-You" Store Plans we Offer.

~ Dr. Ron Capps and the Team at YourMerchPro
